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VG Commands

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Although we have already discussed the use of VG Commands in detail in previous posts on LVM, this post will give a brief review about the various VG commands we have learned so far.

# mkvg

Command is used to create a new VG.

# extendvg

Command is used to add PVs to VG.

# reducevg

Command is used to remove PV from VG.

# chvg

Command is used to change VG.

# lsvg

Command is used to list all the VG in the system.

# importvg

Command is used to add/install a VG.

# exportvg

Command is used remove the VG from the system. we will discuss about the significance of exportvg command in detail in posts to come.

# reorgvg

Command is used to reorganize the VG.

# syncvg

Command is used to synchronize a VG.

# varyonvg

Command is used to make VG available to the system for use.

# varyoffvg

Command is used to make VG unavailable to the system.

# mirrorvg

Command is used to mirror all LV within a VG.

Happy Learning!

Written by RA

April 20, 2012 at 4:18 pm